Emotions have ruled the lives of many. This is a fact of life, and is expressed in the Star Wars films. This isn’t truly a bad thing, according to Sith beliefs; but if one goes with the Jedi beliefs, one must throw out all emotion to become one of them. Then again there are the characters that are neither Sith nor Jedi, such as Han Solo, Boba Fett, C-3PO, etc.
As was stated before, the Sith believe that emotions are not a bad concept. If one was to become a Sith, one would be allowed to have full range over their feelings. What they do with these feelings is completely up to them. This is why most believe that the Sith are evil in comparison to the Jedi. They emphasize on hate mostly and use the Force for their own gain. However, this is the cliché and inaccurate thought. Look at Darth Plagueis the Wise. He was the master of Darth Sidious and had the power to bring the dead back to life. It was just that ability that caused his death. He refused to teach Sidious his power, and was killed in his sleep. So, ask yourself, Sith: good or evil? Answer: Depends on the Sith.
To combat these “evil Jedi”, the Jedi formed in hopes of keeping peace throughout the galaxy. The Jedi believe that emotions are a one way ticket to the Dark Side, or Sith side, of the Force. Being perceived as evil from their perspective, it is naturally their mission to combat them in their wicked ways. But to become one of the Jedi, one must practically become an empty shell, only to fight Sith and keep peace. Look at Ki Adi Mundi. He, out of all the Jedi, is the most subservient to the Jedi council. He makes no decisions on his own, and is basically a puppet at Yoda’s emotionless disposal. Because of this love for the councile is why he allows himself to be so submissive. So again ask yourself, Jedi: Good or evil? Answer: Neither.
Now how about the so called “neutral” characters, they don’t really care about not having their emotions. So in this since, if the character wasn’t a Jedi, they were a Sith with no Force power, an unofficial Sith, if you would.
In conclusion, the emotions of the characters have a great impact on the decisions of the characters. Good or bad, there was defiantly an impact. Sidious’s thirst for power, Ki Adi Mundi’s love for the council, Luke’s temptation to turn to the Dark Side, all impacted the course of the story.
I thought that you gave a very interesting case for the importance of emotions in Star Wars. I especially liked your theory that neither the Sith nor the Jedi were completley good or truly evil, especially your point that the Jedi tried to squash their emotions because they feared that they would turn to the Dark Side otherwise. Your essay would have been even better if you had elaborated on the emotions of the neutural characters. It seemed like you could have found interesting facts on these characters' emotions and how they contrasted the emotions and actions of the Jedi and Sith, but I had a bit of trouble understanding the point you made about the neutural characters being like the Sith without the Force. More details would have been helpful. The same thing applies to your conclusion. Again, I think there were a lot of points you could have used to make a solid and compelling statment to finish your paper. Overall, I thought that you found an interesting idea and contributed some original thought to the subject.
I have to agree with Kiernyn. It was good... but there needed to be more in the way of examples. Like how is Ki Adi Mundi a puppet to the Jedi council? And what about the characters in the old trilogy like Luke, Han, and Leia? There also needs to be more focus on the characters that are not Jedi nor Sith. What drives them?
Aside from that, your essay was prety good and had a very interesting subject.
The conclusion seemed a little bit abrupt to me. There were not very many examples showing how emotions effected the decisions of the characters as I would have liked. I did like how you showed the downsides of both the Sith and the Jedi.
I think that the topic of emotions was interesting. I find it interesting that you think that just because you are a Sith, does not mean that you are evil, likewise just because you are a Jedi, does not mean that you are good. You had a lot of good points, but I have to agree with Katie I think that if you had more examples of the different characters you were talking about, displaying the characteristics that you talked about, it would have been better. I think that also if you had of gone more in depth with the non Jedi and non Sith characters, it would have been better. I do agree that emotions are the driving force for all stories, including Star Wars. I think that for the most part it was good.
Emotions was really good to talk about in Star wars because their is so many.I think you could of gone a little more in depth with the emotions but it was good. It was cool to see how the emotions effected the plot of the story. Good job=)
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