Monday, May 24, 2010

Good Always Conquers Evil by Madeline Christiana Holt

Good Always Conquers Evil

Lord of the Rings / Star Wars

If good conquers all evil, then why couldn’t Frodo release the ring into Mt. Doom at the end of The Lord of the Rings?? In church they teach us that good always conquers all of evil, no matter what. If this is so, then why was the ring able to overcome the one trying to dispose of it. Throughout the Series we see that Frodo gets weaker everyday on his journey, this is because carrying the ring is a heavy burden, along with this we see that in the battles good always seems to overcome the evil. In Star Wars, there is a lot of conflict going on between the good and the dark side. All the conflict was because the dark side wanted to find Luke Skywalker and convert him to the dark side.

In The Lord of the Rings, Frodo was possessed by the ring because it was a burden to carry. It was a burden to carry because carrying so much power is hard to handle. Frodo was forced to put the ring on his finger when he came into contact with more evil forces who were trying to take the power away from him for them selves. At the end of the movie, Frodo was not able to throw the ring into the volcano because the ring had basically taken over his mind and his body. When Frodo had told Sam that the ring was his, and it belonged to him and only him, he placed it upon his finger. After he put it on his finger, Smeagol had attacked him and bit of the ring along with Frodo’s finger. In results of this, evil had overcome the good. The only reason the ring had been destroyed was because Sméagol had been distracted by his “Precious” and he was attacked by Frodo. Sméagol had fallen into the lava along with the ring, and Frodo was hanging onto the cliff and was saved by Sam.

In Star Wars, we find out that Darth Vador is the father of Luke Skywalker. The purpose of star wars was to track down Luke and his sister, Princess Leah and convert them to the dark side as their father had done the time before. Converting to the dark side, forces you to use your hate as a weapon. When Luke finds out what they are trying to do he goes against what the want and remains a Jeti, the good guy. He tells the Dark Lord that he will not do what his father had done, that he will never ever join the evil forces. That he wishes to remain a Jeti. When the Dark Lord hears this he gets angry and Darth Vador attacks Luke. Luke ended up using his anger as a weapon and cut off his father’s hand. The Dark Lord then attacks Luke and tries to kill him and Luke calls out for his dad to save him. Darth Vador lifts the Dark Lord up and kills him. This shows the joining of good and evil. What used to be good was tricked into becoming evil, and with help from his son he had overcome the evil forces that were straining him, and he was able to again be similar to a good man as he was before. It was amazing that Darth Vador was able to overcome his hypnotized mind to save his son. Only love could do that, and with evil there is no such thing as love.

In the battles of The Lord of the Rings, the good seems to almost always defeat the evil forces. In the major battles of this movie, the people fighting for the right reasons had doubled the times the evil forces had won battles. The good doers had won four times, and the evil doers had won twice. In the end of the movie, the good forces had over ruled the evil and had taken them all out. This is a stand for “Good Always Overcomes Evil.” Good will not overcome evil all the time, but good does eventually over rule evil forces and evil doers. Also, something to notice is that it takes more evil than it takes good to overcome something. In the battles we see a lot of bad people, and not so much good people but they still seem to win. This is because they are fighting for the right reasons. J.J.R Tolkien had stated that “The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and christian work.” Therefore, he had to have based his stories based on his beliefs, whether religious or not.

The battles of Star Wars all represent something. The battles represent the journey of a father to his son, and a son to his father. The movies show how eager Darth Vador was to find his son. It makes you wonder if all he really wanted was to see his son. At the end of the sixth movie, Darth Vador asks Luke to take off his mask so that he can see his son with his own eyes, instead of seeing him through his evil mask. Even though Darth Vador would die if his real face was revealed he did it anyways to see his son the way he was supposed to, the right way. This represent the evidence that a mind can be corrupted by thoughts, especially evil ones but that the goodness in one person can come out when something from their past that is brought to them that once meant the whole world to that individual. Evil can be overcome when someone shows the love and need for them that they need to see. Good overcomes all evil some way or another. Instead of being repaired, Darth Vador had wanted to get rid of his evilness, he wanted to show that he was proud of his son and that evil is not the answer. This is very important, because it had showed Luke what evil can do to you. It showed that his father really did care about him. Luke believed that his father could not kill him because, how could you kill your own son?? He thought that his father had to have felt some kind of emotions towards him, at least a little bit. You can’t just have no feelings for your son that you had from the woman had once loved. Darth Vador had broken her heart when he had turned to the dark side, and it killed her. Why would he want to loose his son and daughter as well?? Luke secretly had feelings towards his father, and all of that was revealed at the very end of the movie. Darth Vadors last words were, “Tell your sister you were right about me.” Therefore, he could not kill Luke because he loves him. Deep inside you can tell that Darth Vador was very proud of his son for turning the offer that the Dark Lord had given him down, Luke did what his father could not. His father gave into the evil because it looked more powerful, and he wanted all the power he could get. Luke already new that all good over comes all of evil, and with that he was able to save his father from evil just before he had died.

Through watching these movies we gain the knowledge of how different people and things interact with each other. We learn how good and evil can join together, work together, or how they can overcome each other. Walking away with the knowledge of both The Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars is a good way of gaining the ideas of how good and evil exactly works. Combining The Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars could be a definite good life lesson, and teach us a lot about this subject.

1 comment:

Kiernyn OA said...

A very interesting essay. I especially liked your idea that the movies show us how good and evil can create a better world when they clash together. The one thing that bothered me was that there were times when you seemed to go off on another tangent, such as when you talked about battles at the beginning of the fifth paragraph. However, you got back on topic quickly, and all in all your paper was compelling informative.